The Baldling's Last Stand: ONLINE

The Baldling's Last Stand: ONLINE

Game information

Game Information

Game Engine
Built with JavaScript
Time to Completion
Completed in 69 hours
Watch VOD on Download from


You are the last surviving Baldling. The sad counterpart to the Changeling. An online PVP game networked over twitch chat. Play as multiple enemy types and discover the secret to growing hair. Twitch chat creatures can't damage each other. Use your deceptive transformations to out smart them and catch them off guard. Known minor issue: You're not supposed to always start as the slime


1. Collect souls while transformed as various creatures. 
2. Offer these souls to the soul plants while transformed. 
3. Your Baldling always receives souls for any kill regardless of transformation. 
4. If you die as the Baldling you die for real. 

Press escape to forcibly pause the game for everyone lol. 

Control instructions are in the game.