A City Under Siege

A City Under Siege

Game information

1st place

Game Information

Game Jam
2021 "1 HP" Jam
Game Engine
Built with Unity Engine
Time to Completion
Completed in 72 hours
Download from itch.io


  • TwoPieceVypur's avatar
  • ashmere's avatar


Two men, alone in an abandoned city overrun by demons. The man in the tank shoots, while you gather fuel. Live as long as you can but be warned: They continue to get stronger, choose your upgrades carefully. Whenever you deliver fuel to the armored car, you can choose to power yourself or the tank up, but every time you do the enemies get more powerful. The game is procedural (besides the first 400m), and technically infinite, although the difficulty ramps up extremely, consider a distance of 1800 to be beating the game, my personal best was 2087 traveled.